The Dumbing of Humanity

The Art of War

Speech fails me, thoughts refuse to cascade, tears fall from my eyes where heart wounds have pierced. Who could have known death's night would illumine the day? Fighters spill blood and snuff out life's light. No matter what religion, what color, what position we hold ... the lifeless are buried in the same earth.

War has replaced the fragrance of the rose, and the sounds of water streams, with winds of discontent and a foulness in stench. The breath of the grey death of sorrow has inscribed her message, relentlessly, this Christmas season. Suffering has become the insidious worm of impoverished souls ... buried in a morning’s red and an evening’s black. 

During this Christmas season and looking forwards, can the world's lie be exchanged for truth? Can we drink from the living nectar that quenches even the unfettered, unbroken and whole? Their suffering voices are all to hear. Though my poems and images may differ in subject or media, they are all ultimately a mirror… pointing to the true possibility of re-awake-to our inner guide that is available to all of us. 

The darkness of war, the power games, the lying, the killing … is certainly an aberration of our body, speech, and mind. Yet, it is also here that we can also awaken to keep alive our inner truths and live them in the world. These three areas of body, speech, and mind are actually windows opening to awareness. When our attention falls away from our pain (emotionally or mentally) … these windows allow us to re-discover our gifts of not only openness, awareness, and warmth, but also love, compassion, joy and equanimity - even humor! So, wear your clothes before you go out.




Great stories have a personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide, general audience in mind, your story will sound fake and lack emotion. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.


Let us drink from this pure spring unfettered, unbroken and whole … her living nectar, that quenches even those whose lives of thorns and thistles oppress. Wrapped in a robe of images and words, artists do much more than create beautiful poetry or illustration … art is a mantle of comfort in our changing world. Even if that which was boiling has boiled away and that which was on fire has turned to ash compassion soothes and understanding brings closeness … creativity is simply a wondrous side effect.

During these dark winterized days, let us take up the challenge to understand the nature of anguish, to let go of its origins, and to bring into being a way of life that is available to us all… not something simply to believe in, but something to do … a practice that we can engage in, regardless of  background or belief.

In a recent email I wrote about the need to upgrade my computers and studio equipment as well as helping with the day to day operations, and still it is URGENT. Your donations or purchases will positively help create more  illustrations, writings and further involvement in the local community. 

You can donate via our Donate button for a one time donation or the Liberapay button for donating weekly or monthly. Similarly, you can Purchase from my fine art Hahnemühle museum quality prints or Contact me personally for a special commission.

Best wishes during this festive season laced with suffering.



Non-Meditation Meditation
No controling... Simply Allowing